The Firm provides legal consultations to the banks and other banking, financial and investment establishments regarding the local laws of relevance to the foreign banks and foreign employers, who practice business in the Arab Region in general and in the A.R.E. in particular.
The Firm provides consultation to the local and foreign projects through reviewing the various finance agreements (loans, credit facilities including sponsorships and guarantees) and provides advice as of the start of the preparation and revision of the agreement drafts to the complete execution of the final agreements and their implementation.
The Firm executes and collects the dues of the bank and financial establishments in the possession of others. The collection is characterized by speed and issuance of orders and verdicts against abstaining clients after counteracting the disputes before the courts. Several investment and financial establishments have testified and recommended the firm’s expertise and ability to recover debts.
Money Markets and Investment Funds
With the growth and expansion of the Stock Market and its draw of investment, a part of the capitals (major and little investors) turned to subscription in its shares of the companies, operating in the market.
This trend is attributed to that the owners of the capitals believe that investment in the stock market is more profitable and beneficial than the direct investments in the existing projects. This provides them with diversity of secured investment to include the industrial, commercial and real estate activity. Therefore, these companies have become in urgent need to seek the assistance of the legal expertise for consultation, preparation of studies and researches for the Parties of relevance to this type of investment. Our firm is distinguished for its legal and practical expertise, which it provides to support and assist investment funds companies, investors, investment trustees during their process of the final establishment, its management, rules and determination of its authorities, rights and partners’ role in the fund management, the powers and rights of the investment trustee and his duties. This is in addition to providing the legal consultation on the Money Market Laws and their impact on local business and investments of our Clients. Also representing banks and financial establishment in the finance activity, purchase of financial assets, restructure of companies and representation of participants in the market, including share issuers, investors and capital participants and lenders.